Ambassador Scheme
With a focus on reducing domestic abuse and stalking in all areas of society, we continue to develop and deliver valuable services that raise awareness of domestic abuse and stalking in our communities, whilst working to reduce it.
With research showing that 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men will experience domestic abuse at some point in their lifetime, we believe it’s essential for us to continue delivering these vital services and build on the positive impact our accredited training programs have been able to achieve since the Trust was established.
With training programs tailored to all areas of our community, we are well placed to reduce these instances of abuse. Working closely with school teams and community leaders, we’re able to deliver training programmes like Active Bystander, Healthy Relationships and Working Without Fear that help to make our communities happier and safer places for us all. But to do so, we need your help. We benefit hugely from the support given by our amazing community and as part of the business community, you’re able to help us too.
Our Ambassador scheme has been set up as an effective way for local businesses to work more closely with us to bring about community and social changes that are so important in creating a positive culture us all. Being an Ambassador and getting involved couldn’t be easier.