
HGT is delighted to announce that Clare Roche from GDASS won the Tutor/Mentor of the Year category at the Believe in Gloucester Awards last night. HUGE congratulations to Clare on her award and the recognition she deserves…

Clare has dedicated her role to the young people of Gloucester that desperately need her help and guidance by developing a workshop for them that she presents in schools across the city and beyond. Clare delivers a group work programme for young people who have grown up in families where there has been domestic violence and abuse (DVA), or who are themselves in abusive relationships. The sessions of this tailored 10-week programme are three hours in duration.

Through partnership with GDASS, ‘Hollie’s Young People’, funded by the Hollie Gazzard Trust delivers a structured evaluated CRUSH programme led by Clare who is fully trained. Aimed at those aged 13 to 19 it covers the transition from youth to young adulthood and benefits all those at risk, or affected by domestic abuse.

Clare has managed to engage with young people who have struggled with school attendance and found it difficult to talk or connect with other service providers. One young woman who undertook a programme with Clare found it difficult to manage more than three hours in school each week. The young woman could hardly look at anyone when she first started the group, but she went on to complete the whole programme over 10 weeks – for three hours at a time – despite the two buses she needed to catch there and back in order to attend. It took great bravery and commitment for this young woman to attend at all. Another child commented that on ‘group’ days he would wake up feeling happy and not angry as he usually did.

The impact that the programmes have had has been life changing for many.

Clare’s work has received excellent feedback from both the young people she tutors and the teachers in the schools she visits. She has been approached by teachers and safeguarding leads in schools and colleges who seek her advice and support with regard to young people they are concerned about. These vital programmes have led to Clare working with around 1,500 young people across Gloucester and the county.

Clare has helped literally hundreds of young people to realise that they don’t have to put up with abuse and to recognise what an unhealthy relationship ‘looks’ like.

As part of continuing development, Clare has tailored the programmes with the young people themselves to ensure that all the issues that need to be covered are addressed and positive outcomes are a priority. It’s a completely interactive experience for the children that attend and ensures they remain engaged. Updating the programmes to reflect the needs of the young people attending is an ongoing commitment and Clare listens to feedback she receives in order to provide the most cutting-edge programmes available. Her work is completely supported by the Hollie Gazzard Trust through fundraising and donations.




Latest NewsClare Roche is a winner!