Coercive Control Workshop
This session will be provided as a half-day workshop for businesses and communities and a 90-120 minute workshop for schools. It covers all the elements of coercive control including a comprehensive insight into the types of coercive control along with the effect on the victim, their families and loved ones.
Coercive behaviour is an act or a pattern of acts of assault, threats, humiliation and intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm, punish, or frighten a victim. The programme delves further into definitions of Coerciveness including the hurt and intimidation along with the isolation and regulation that form the Control. We will investigate abuser tactics and behavior. The workshop investigates examples of female, male and same sex victim abuse along with the link with stalking. Recent research will be used to understand the relationship with homicide and the homicide timeline.
The workshop is interactive, and the material is delivered using a variety of methods including real life cases, videos, presentations and exercises that ensures the optimum benefit for all participants. We look at how to identify when this is happening, the importance of early intervention and what action can be taken to safely support someone you may suspect of being a victim.
Attendees should, however, consider that coercive control is a sensitive topic
and they might find some of the content distressing.
CPD Accreditation
We are delighted that the Coercive Control workshop is a fully certified CPD course. Feedback from the CPD Assessor:
”A detailed and well-planned course that should meet its learning objectives.”
Simon Atkinson Former Detective Superintendent, Head of Public Protection and Investigations, Specialist Crime, Gloucestershire Constabulary.
“Out of tragedy positive things can happen; Domestic abuse resulted in the predictable death of Nick Gazzard’s young daughter Hollie in Gloucester in early 2014. Nick sought to discover why Hollie died and use those answers to help others not only identify the various forms of domestic abuse but do something about it in their personal and professional lives. Although Nick and his family had every right to be angry and upset, with astonishing courage, he has used his personal experience to work with and change the very agencies that let his family down. A personable man whose story will ask you to reflect on domestic abuse coupled with the personal and work based impact.”