Workshops For Communities

Coercive Control Workshop

This session will be provided as a half-day workshop for businesses and communities and a 90-120 minute workshop for schools.

It covers all the elements of coercive control including a comprehensive insight into the types of coercive control along with the effect on the victim, their families and loved ones.


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Stalking Workshop

This workshop covers all the elements of stalking including a comprehensive insight into what stalking is, the effect it has on the victim, their families and loved ones and how to safely support someone you may suspect of being a victim.


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Knife Crime Workshop

A 90-minute workshop that covers the main elements of knife crime.

In this workshop, we will explore the reasons why people carry knives, the damage that using a knife can have along with the ripple effect it has.


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Hollie Guard Workshop

A 60-minute workshop on the use of Hollie Guard detailing how you to set up emergency contacts and the flexible options for work and leisure. The various alert profiles and how they differ. It will demonstrate the main functionality and how these work to help safeguard you or your employees.


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Domestic Abuse Active Bystander Workshop

A day-long programme designed for community members to learn more about domestic abuse, and how they can help combat it by learning skills to intervene as a positive bystander.


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Sexual Harassment Active Bystander Workshop

A day-long programme designed for community members to learn more about sexual harassment, and how they can help combat it by learning skills to intervene as a positive bystander.


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For Communities