On Friday 23rd November 2018 the third reading for the Stalking Protection Bill took place at the House of Commons. This is a Bill to make provision for protecting persons from risks associated with stalking and introduce Stalking Protection Orders to increase safety for victims.

Stalking Protection Orders (SPO) are much needed to give confidence to victims, who can report cases in the knowledge that the police will be able to address the dangers. SPOs will allow police the authority to potentially limit a perpetrators actions to a victim; like banning contact or close physical proximity. Not only that, but offenders could even be tested for psychological issues and be ordered to attend programs of rehabilitation. The most important element is of course that criminal proceedings can be brought to perpetrators for breaching the SPO and can receive up to 5 years in prison.

This would be a massive step in the right direction, given the process isn’t currently clear for victims and intervention early is critical.

At the reading, Eddie Hughes MP Walsall North, refenced Hollie Guard as tool for aiding victims and said: ‘’I believe that it provides a valuable tool. If someone is walking home and feels that they might be vulnerable, the app enables them to register their start and final destination. It will track their progress and, if they do not arrive at that destination within a prescribed time, it can alert people they have predetermined from the contacts in their phone. It can also turn the phone into an alarm so that it gives out a high-pitched noise and the torch comes on as well to attract attention.’’

Alex Chalk, MP for Cheltenham, replied: ‘’I know Nick and Mandy Gazzard, the parents of Hollie Gazzard, and they will be absolutely thrilled to hear that he has, first, researched it, and secondly, accurately identified precisely what it does. Good for him—I am very grateful.’’

This is a fantastic endorsement for Hollie Guard and further enhances the reputation of the free app. Earlier in November, Derbyshire Police created a video for social media promoting the app and encouraging downloads, which has received nearly one million views leading to a spike in downloads. Other police departments from around the UK have expressed interest or have already implemented the app in to officers toolkits when dealing with victims of stalking or domestic abuse.
For more info visit: www.hollieguard.com

Latest NewsHollie Guard Commended in Parliament for Latest Reading of the Stalking Protection Bill