Nick Gazzard delivered a presentation on Hollie’s story to a number of professionals in Wiltshire to help organisations learn more from survivors of crime stories.
Protecting the most vulnerable is a priority in Wiltshire across policing, local government, public protection and health. The role of the Community Safety Partnership is to co-ordinate multi-agency work to reduce crime.
However, as the way people use technology is changing, the way people commit crime is changing and the way people are protected needs to reflect these changes.
An increase in cybercrime has meant policing has had to adapt but beyond this there are more subtle and complex changes that make recognising and protecting victims more challenging.
It is now easier than ever for criminals to create networks across the country, to influence people’s lives and behaviour at a distance, to know where people are and, sadly, to exploit them.
Nick also gave 2 workshops on stalking and harassment, designed to recognise and support those who are being exploited or coerced.
Nick said: ‘’It was an ideal opportunity to not only raise awareness of the Trust but also to give those with responsibility the opportunity to learn from how Hollie was treated in the lead up to her murder. With representatives from the police, social work, hospitals, councils etc I was able to talk direct to those who can have a first-hand influence on potential victims.’’