Hollie Guard Extra Case Study: A Survivors Story

Our mission is to raise vital funds to allow us to offer Hollie Guard Extra free of charge to those who need it most. Hollie Guard Extra is the upgraded version of the free to download Hollie Guard safety app, providing a link for domestic abuse victims at a time of danger, to a 24/7 professional security service who will be able to escalate the response required according to the situation, just by shaking or tapping their smart phone.

The more funds we raise, the more vouchers we can issue and the more people can benefit from the service.

A survivor of domestic abuse and stalking tells us their story:

”I left my partner in 2016 from what was an unhealthy, controlling relationship.

I very quickly found myself dealing with harassment and stalking directed at me, as well as close friends and family. This unwanted contact was abusive, threatening, offensive as well as desperate pleas for help to stop suicide attempts.

He has been in breach of a restraining order on numerous occasions and has served several prison sentences. There is a cycle of repeat offending which means there are times when I know he will be actively looking to find me and contact me.

Living with this contact and not knowing if, where or how he might present is extremely stressful. It affects basic everyday decisions I make. I feel anxious and always anticipate seeing him. I am in fear not knowing what he will do.

I have had great support from the Police and other supporting agencies. I have moved address, changed cars, phone numbers, and taken measures such as CCTV but I am still anxious and very unsettled.

I was introduced to the Hollie Guard App by my DARO (Domestic Abuse Risk Officer). It provides me and my family a safe way to communicate. It’s everything from a panic alarm, to a GPS tracker, raising alerts and live recording.

In my ongoing situation it’s all very well having a restraining order in place, but this is just the start. For this to be enforced with an individual who repeatedly breaches, every single incident or occurrence must be proven so the recording feature of Hollie Guard is vital.

Using the APP give me reassurance and makes me feel like I’m not alone. It also is reassuring to my emergency contacts so they know there are with me virtually and will be aware of any trouble immediately. It enables me to go about normal activities knowing I have a way to call for help should I need it.

Hollie Guard has the features to be able to benefit and provide protection and peace of mind to many other use cases as well as my specific situation. Whether it’s a regular journey you take, an innocent night out, or someone living in an established, abusive environment.

The challenge is reaching out to the people who need to know about the App; many people living in unsafe situations suffer in silence and are very often isolated.

Many phones these days also have a secure folder which means the APP can be completely hidden which could be of great reassurance too. Another benefit about the App is that having something protective on your own, trusted device provides more comfort than a secondary piece of equipment.

Hollie Guard Extra has given me an added level of security. It means if I need assistance, but my family are not able to respond to an alert I have sent, there will someone fully trained who will be able to help 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”

For more information about Hollie Guard and Hollie Guard Extra please visit www.hollieguard.com.

Hollie Guard Extra Case Study: A Survivors Story