
Please complete the Application Form by using the button below.

Hollie Helpers

Become a Hollie Helper! We attend many events; ranging from those at schools, colleges and universities to industry events held by the police and other organisations tackling domestic abuse and stalking. Our team of Hollie Helpers are friendly and welcoming to all new members. If you’d like to volunteer, please read through the details below

Q. What does becoming a Hollie Helper involve?

A. We need to fundraise all year round, to help fund the work of the charity. Hollie Helpers are volunteers who donate their time to assist at events. This assistance includes; serving teas & coffees, selling raffle tickets, helping to run exhibition stands at local events, talking to the public about the work of the charity, bag-packing at supermarkets, helping with street collections, being a Marshall at the #Walk4Hollie, litter-picking after events, helping to take-down exhibition stands and lots more. Please don’t worry that you may not know enough about the charity – we will train you.

We ask you to complete an application form, where you can state which days of the week and what times of the day you are most likely to be able to volunteer. We ask Hollie Helpers to commit to helping at a minimum of three events a year and always to act in the best interest of the charity when representing the Hollie Gazzard Trust.

Q. Will the charity pay any Fees and Expenses I may incur?

A. Exceptional expenses deemed necessary to facilitate Trust business will be considered by the Board in accordance with the Expenses Policy; but these must be approved in advance of being incurred.

Q. Do I get paid to be a Hollie Helper?

A. No, the role is strictly a voluntary one, but it’s a lovely thing to be able to put on a CV and may give people the opportunity to learn new skills and to build their confidence in certain areas.

Q. I would like to apply to be a Hollie Helper, what do I need to do?

Thank you for considering volunteering for the Hollie Gazzard Trust. We hope to welcome you to our Team of Hollie Helpers.
